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1999 Reel Awards

[Best Picture (overall)]  [Voter's perspective]  [Children's Movie]  [Drama]  [Action]  [Comedy]  [Actor]  [Actress]  [Supporting Actor]  [Supporting Actress]  [Director]  [Chick]  [Screenplay]  [Musical Score]  [Song]  [Special Effects]  [Costumes and Scenery] 

thumbs up!Best thumbs down!Worst
Best Picture (overall):
Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace - Just an amazing achievement in every aspect of filmmaking. As a STAR WARS fanatic, I also loved how well this one fit in with the others.

lightsaber fight scene from THE PHANTOM MENACE

Honorable Mention:
Tarzan - amazing and surprisingly emotional
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc - very powerful
The Green Mile - a wonderful story
The Insider - superb acting
Arlington Road - the BEST ENDING that I have ever seen
The Matrix - a marvelous achievement and one that people have been talking about all year
Toy Story 2 - it's amazing what they can do with computers these days
The Sixth Sense - definitely one to talk about with your friends

Worst Picture (overall):
Wing Commander - I tried to like it, but now I am embarrassed that I even saw it.

Dishonorable Mention:
Entrapment - horrible matchup (Connery and Zeta-Jones) and an even worse plot
The World Is Not Enough - and neither is this movie...big disappointment

Best Picture from the Voter's perspective:
Toy Story 2

Honorable Mention:
American Beauty
The Matrix
The Green Mile
Fight Club

Worst Picture from the Voter's perspective:
The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland

Dishonorable Mention:
Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me
Wing Commander
The Insider

Best Children's Movie:

Honorable Mention:
Toy Story 2

Worst Children's Movie:
The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland
Best Drama:
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc - extremely powerful and moving

poster from The Messenger:  The Story of Joan of Arc

Honorable Mention:
The Insider - very real, very dramatic, quite frightening...a very close second to The Messenger The Green Mile - it is almost impossible not to be touched by this film

Best Action:
STAR WARS: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace - You just can't beat the lightsaber fights and the pod race

lightsaber fight scene from THE PHANTOM MENACE

Honorable Mention:
The Matrix

Worst Action:
Wing Commander

Dishonorable Mention:
Entrapment - this movie was not exciting at all

Best Comedy:
Bowfinger - hilarious; the entire premise of the film kept me laughing throughout

Honorable Mention:
Big Daddy
Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Best Actor
Haley Joel Osment as Cole Sear - he was so instrumental to the success of
The Sixth Sense, and he was NOT a supporting actor, as the Academy would have you believe

Haley Joel Osment

Honorable Mention:
Russel Crowe as Dr. Jeffrey Wigand - The Insider - Crowe's portrayal is very real...very real
Al Pacino as Lowell Bergman - The Insider - the perfect blend of power and humanity
Kevin Spacey as Lester Burhnam - American Beauty - somehow he created a loser worth rooting for
Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn - STAR WARS: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace
- Neeson brings honor to the Jedi
Buzz Lightyear - Toy Story 2 - great mix of leadership, confusion, and friendship

Worst Actor:
Sean Connery - Entrapment - how embarrassing for him
Best Actress:
Milla Jovovich as Joan of Arc -
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc - perhaps the best performance this year, man or woman

Milla Jovovich as Jeanne (Joan of Arc) in The Messenger:  The Story of Joan of Arc

Honorable Mention:
Annette Bening as Carolyn Burnham - American Beauty - a wonderful complement to Kevin Spacey

Worst Actress:
Catherine Zeta Jones - Entrapment - the best acting that she did was with her butt
Best Supporting Actor:
Michael Clarke Duncan as John Coffey -
The Green Mile - hooray

Michael Clarke Duncan as John Coffey

Honorable Mention:
Christopher Plummer as Mike Wallace - The Insider - very entertaining and eye-opening
Eddie Murphy - Bowfinger - always funny
Ray Park as Darth Maul - STAR WARS: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace - full embodiment of evil combined with a superior display of martial arts

Worst Supporting Actor:
Matthew Lillard as Maniac - Wing Commander - I wonder if he has ever acted before, or, better yet, if he ever will
Best Supporting Actress:
Jessie, The Cowgirl -
Toy Story 2 - my daughter and I simply fell in love with her (even though she's a toy; nay, because she's a toy)
Worst Supporting Actress:
Denise Richards as Christmas Jones - The World Is Not Enough - there is absolutely no way that she even came close to being a "nuclear physicist"
Luc Besson -
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc Honorable Mention:
M. Night Shyamalan - The Sixth Sense
Best Looking Chick:
Heather Graham -
Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me AND Bowfinger

Heather Graham

Honorable Mention:
Denise Richards - The World Is Not Enough - true, she's a ditz, but she's also a babe

Best Screenplay (it's a tie):
Bowfinger - hilarious every which way you look at it; a true masterpiece
The Sixth Sense - it's great how you can look at it from different angles

Honorable Mention:
American Beauty - interesting and different
STAR WARS: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace - fit in great with the saga
The Insider - its only fault was in its slight detachment from the truth
The Green Mile - Stephen King's fiction are perhaps his greatest works
The Matrix - wonderfully inventive and is perhaps the deepest in its plot and meaning

Worst Screenplay:
Entrapment - dumb idea at every turn

Dishonorable Mention:
The World Is Not Enough - should have been much better
Wing Commander - what was that?
The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland - low budget maybe?

Musical Score:
STAR WARS: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace - John Williams does it again

Honorable Mention:
Tarzan - my hat must also be tipped to Phil Collins

Best Song:
You'll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins -
Tarzan - it still gives me chills

Honorable Mention:
When Somebody Loved Me - Sarah McLachlan - Toy Story 2 - very touching

Worst Song:
Cheryl Crow's version of Sweet Child Of Mine - Big Daddy - a mockery and charade
Best Special Effects:
STAR WARS: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace - no contest

Honorable Mention:
Toy Story 2 - very realistic
Tarzan - beautiful animation

Worst Effects:
Wing Commander - laughable
Best Costumes and Scenery:
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc - an epic

Honorable Mention:
STAR WARS: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace - we were taken to another world and another time

Worst Costumes and Scenery:
The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland

Dishonorable Mention:
Wing Commander

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