The Reel McCoy's reel name is Patrick McCoy. Patrick was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio and still lives there to this very day. His interests are long walks through a moonlit park, cuddling by a warm fire, and...WHOOPS! That belongs somewhere else.
Back in 1996, when he was a young and impressionable college student at the University of Cincinnati, Patrick combined his love of movies with his insatiable interest in the then relatively new phenomenon (invented by Al Gore) which we now call the Internet. The result was a small personal webpage located at UC's College of Engineering dedicated to informing, warning, and shoving down the cybersurfer's throat opinions on newly released movies. That small webpage has now blossomed into the colossal Internet movie-review website juggernaut which has now become a household name. That's right! Families everywhere will eat at McDonald's, drive a Chevy (to a levy), and see a movie after having read a review at The-Reel-McCoy.Com.
Patrick has had a long and storied career in the movie industry. He began at a young age as a writer/director/actor, making home Halloween movies, music videos, videos for school projects, and porn (no, not really).
He next entered the scene (yet another great movie-related pun!) in 1992 when he began working as a concessionist at Loew's Cinemas of Northgate Mall in Cincinnati. Here he not only served popcorn and candy, but he was also a ticket taker and an usher (janitor). In fact, by the end of his brief stint at Loew's, he had graduated all the way to cashier earning him a whopping $0.05 above minimum wage!
When The Reel McCoy entered college, he was asked to write an in-depth movie review on his favorite movie for an English paper. Patrick chose Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, which he had seen several times while working at Loew's. (In fact, the success of this review was so staggering that Patrick was forced to write several more reviews until he was allowed to pass the class, just seven years later. These reviews are now chronicled on his website. --- Just kidding, of course!)
Patrick now combines his love for movies, his writing skills, and his web-development savvy (picked up from UC, work, spare time, and tips from Al Gore) in this fun-filled, action-packed, and entertaining website that the whole family can enjoy.
And what is best is that it is all free! Isn't the Internet wonderful?
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