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The Best Films of All-Time (as seen by Patrick McCoy)
  1. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
  2. The Empire Strikes Back
  3. Christmas Vacation
  4. Amadeus
  5. Star Wars
  6. Braveheart
  7. Back To the Future
  8. The Godfather
  9. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
  10. Evita
  11. The Godfather Part II
  12. Top Gun
  13. Ghost
  14. Superman
  15. Batman
  16. What About Bob?
  17. Tombstone
  18. Coming To America
  19. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  20. Titanic
  21. Jurassic Park
  22. Glory
  23. Rocky
  24. The Mask Of Zorro
  25. A Time To Kill

Disclaimer: The movies listed above, and the order in which they appear, are subject to change at any time according to the whims of Patrick McCoy.

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