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Flushed Away
poster from Flushed Away 9 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 10
Rated: PG
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Current Voter Rating: 8.970 (33 votes)
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Flushed Away has probably one of the most odd-ball stories that I've ever seen on the big screen. Roddy, a rat who lives a life of luxury as the pampered pet of an upper-class owner, has his world turned upside down when a street rat named Sid makes his way into the house. Roddy soon finds his life flushed down the toilet, literally, by Sid. In a reversal of roles, Sid makes himself at home vegging out on the sofa while Roddy discovers what life is like in the sewers. Ironically, Roddy finds that life in the sewer has a lot to offer, including, most importantly, friendships.

picture from Flushed Away

Now I wouldn't recommend this movie based on the story alone, but I AM recommending it on its humor. This is one of the most joke-filled movies that I have seen in recent memory. Here's an excellent example. Roddy asks an old man, er, rat, for directions. Later, we see Roddy making his way along with an echo-like voice-over of the old man's directions, as if to indicate Roddy's memory of the man's instructions. Our view then zooms out to reveal the old man, standing right beside him and talking into a bottle. I love it! And there are hundreds more scenes just like this full of wit and humor, making it impossible to catch all of them in one viewing.

I was also impressed with the style of the movie. The film is computer animated, but it is based on the claymation artistry of Aardman (makes of Wallace & Grommit). The characters, locations, vehicles, etc all look as if they were made of clay. The action is even "jittery" giving the realistic impression of stop-motion animation.

picture from Flushed Away

This is one of those rare movies that I think everyone can enjoy and get something out of. Kids will love the animation and non-stop action. Adults will love the humor. Teenagers will love the quirkiness. Chicks will love the bits of romance. And EVERYONE will love the leeches. Who would have thought that leeches could be so lovable and hilarious?

picture from Flushed Away

thumbs up!This movie is for everyone, and everyone will love it as they laugh themselves sore.

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So far, the average rating for Flushed Away is: 8.970 (33 votes)

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