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picture from Wild Things Wild Things
8 out of 108 out of 108 out of 108 out of 108 out of 10
Rated: R
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OK. I think I understand this movie now that it is over. I think. You see, Wild Things is as about as unpredictable as they come. Once you think you have a handle on the plot and what is going on, the movie takes a "wild" turn.
The movie begins with an alleged rape of a millionaire's daughter which takes a rollercoaster ride from there involving murder, large sums of money, sexual encounters, and just about anything that you could expect from the title.
Kevin Bacon, who also co-produced the film, played Ray Duquette, who summed up the theme of the movie when he advised a young student, "Things aren't always what they seem, kid." To describe the characters in this movie is an impossible task. However, how about listing their names and pictures and saying that they all did a fine job?
Kevin Bacon as Ray Duquette Matt Dillon as Sam Lombardo Neve Campbell as Suzie Toller Denise Richards as Kelly Van Ryan
Kevin Bacon as Ray Duquette Matt Dillon as Sam Lombardo Neve Campbell as Suzie Toller Denise Richards as Kelly Van Ryan
Also, Bill Murray makes an appearance as a sleazy lawyer. He was hilarious. It was nice to have some comic relief in this movie and it was done quite appropriately.
All in all, I must say that I definitely recommend this movie. It may not be a blockbuster, but it is very well done and quite entertaining. I thank my brother, Brennan, for dragging me to see this movie while he was home for spring break.
thumbs up!If you like unpredictable mysteries, this one's for you.

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