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The English Patient
9 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 10
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It was challenging to get a grip on this film at first, but in the end it all came together as one of the best films of the year. Nominated for 12 Academy Awards, The English Patient seems to have the praise of those who matter. This is not a very popular film, especially with the STAR WARS Special Edition trilogy hitting theaters everywhere, but it is one worth seeing.
Perhaps what is so captivating about this film is the fact that Ralph Fiennes (Quiz Show) turns in such a wonderful performance. For much of the film he is hidden behind a horrible disfigurement and all that we can really see of his actual self is his left eye. And that is all that he needs to convey the feelings of his character whom the title describes as the English patient. He is completely enthralling and according to my fiancee, quite desirable as well.
Kristin Scott Thomas did well in her role. However, I felt that her role needed someone with a little bit more beauty. And beauty certainly is not something denied Juliette Binoche. She did wonderfully as the nurse. And finally, Willem Dafoe gave us one of this film's most memorable characters simply by what happens to him for being a spy.
Riddled with irony, this film raises many questions about society, life, and war. But what people everywhere no doubt love about this movie is that it seems to say that love can cross all boundaries. For in this film many boundaries are crossed by love: national boundaries, cultural boundaries, marital boundaries, and even the boundary of life and death.
Personally, I liked the music with the possible exception for the strange Hungarian folk song that the film begins with and repeats throughout. But the main theme is one that I can still hear as I type these words.
thumbs up!This film is very good. If for no other reason, see this movie so that you can root for it during the Academy Awards.

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